Notice: We are a small company, please be patient especially if you are contacting us after March as we will be calving ourselves. Please leave a an email and we will get back to you within 24 -48 hours.
If you have gone through the recommended steps, please fill out the contact form to schedule a login. Logins during the months of January and February may be scheduled 1-2 days after initial contact.
Start at computer, first make sure you are connected to your router either wired or wirelessly.
Next make sure cable going from router to antenna power supply is plugged in tight to both router and LAN on antenna power supply.
Try powering off router and powering back on after 30 seconds.
Check to see if antennas have signal (right 4 leds on back of antenna) if no signal unplug antennas for 30 seconds and plug back in, wait 5 minutes to see if they re-acquire signal. If still no signal check that both antennas are getting power. If nothing helps one antenna may have reset, call for support.
If antennas have power, next move to barn. Check that cable from LAN on barn antenna power supply to LAN on Engenius power supply is tight (depending on setup this may plug into a different Access Point such as a Picostation or even a powered switch)
Check that Access Point such as Engenius/tp-link is getting power and has lights on in back. reset power to Engenius/tp-link by unplugging from power for 30 seconds and plugging back in.Next make sure that cameras themselves are getting power. If you unplug them and plug them back in they will rotate after rebooting.
If nothing helps it could be a software issue, email for support.
Check to see if cameras not working have something in common such as on the same breaker or that the cameras aren't working are all wireless, and wired cameras are working.
If wireless cameras are not working check that Engenius or Tp-link have power. If they do and lights are on try powering off for 30 seconds and powering back on.
If wired cameras are not working check that all connections are tight. Check that switch is powered on and has flashing lights. Unplug switch for at least 30 seconds and plug back in.
If nothing works, email for support.
Troubleshooting for Verizon Cameras
1) Before you connect the battery to the solar panel (if it is already connected, disconnect it for this step), we will make sure the battery is in Mode 2. To do this hold down the power button on the battery until you see the lights start to flash (the light will go out before it flashes, make sure you keep holding until it starts flashing then let go). Once it is done flashing it will either stay on for a couple seconds or go out quickly. Mode 2 is when it stays on for a couple seconds, this is the mode we want which is "always on" mode. If it goes out quickly then it is in Mode 1, repeat the procedure of holding down the power button to get it to mode 2. Once in Mode 2 reconnect the connection from the battery to the solar panel.
2) Make sure the USB cable is plugged into the battery and front of the camera unit. The usb cable should be plugged into the port labeled "for tablets" on the battery. The other end is a micro usb cable and plugs into the front top of the camera (not the bottom left side port)
3) Make sure the modem is fully plugged into a usb port on the camera. Make sure the two cable connections from the modem to the antenna are tight (it would be a good idea to bring some electrical tape and tape those two metal connections).
4) You may have seen the camera boot up from doing the above steps. If it didn't then push the small black button on the camera between the circuit board and the camera lens, you should see a red light in the front left lower portion of the camera. This indicates that the camera has booted up and is trying to upload a picture. If the camera did boot up on its own during one of the earlier steps then I would go ahead and push the buttonanyways, if it was already on the button will tell it to shut off, push it and wait for the lights to go out completely (when off you will see a white flashing light on the top right of the board, this just means it is in sleep mode and is what we want to see) then go ahead and push the button again to force it to boot up again. You can wait awhile and check the link to see if it took a picture. Anytime you want to see if it is working just push the button which will power it up.